Sequential Arts & Comics

“a visual form of expression & communication”

"Sequential art refers to the art form of using a train of images deployed in sequence to graphic storytelling or convey information. The best-known example of sequential art is comics, which are a printed arrangement of art and balloons, especially comic books and comic strips. Yet, there are older forms of sequential art that predates comics by millennia. Some of the earliest examples are the cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphics and paintings and pre-Columbian American picture manuscripts, which were recurrent mediums of artistic expression." (The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia)

Sequential Arts & Comics
Art & Popular Culture-Sequential Art
History Colorado-Comics as Artifacts
Just What are Sequential Arts?
Visual 5
Svano Design
Sequential Art- Fine Arts
Sequential Art Paintings

Pre-Columbian Codices - BING
Instagram-Sequential Art Gallery
Comics-Introduction to Sequential Art
Comics & Sequential Art
Bing Sequential Art-Hieroglyphics
Bing- Best Sequential Art
Writing with Pictures
Comics and Graphic Novels as Art History

Video Tutorial
Drawing Comic Book Panels SEQUENTIAL DRAWING

Comic Generators (app for visual storytelling)
Comic Strip Maker

(ノ・ω・)ノ♫♩ヽ(・ω・ヽ)♬ヽ(*・ω・)ノ♬♩♪( ◜◒◝ )♩♪♬

All Virtual New York Urban Sketchers events are one session (10 am -12 pm EDT) held on Saturdays. For participants wanting to challenge themselves sketching more of a particular locality or theme, you are welcome to do the EXTENSION SKETCH PROJECT below:

Sequential Arts Extension Sketch Project:
Choose of the following prompt to sketch:
  • (a)  hieroglyphics
  • (b)  tapestry
  • (c)  comic strip
  • (d)  manuscript
*Please post your finished sketches to the USk NYC Facebook site. Be sure to add the hash tag #NUS. Please also note that while we are sponsored by USk NYC, our online event is grounded on reference images, which is a very different approach from doing the in-person, on-site urban sketch event promoted by the Urban Sketchers Manifesto.

Facilitators of Virtual NYC Urban Sketchers:
  • Theresa Smith
  • Lynda Greeley (Mama Bear)
  • Cecilia Evasco (Maricel)
  • Dina Schlesinger
  • Michael Skelly
  • Alan Wernicke
  • Elizabeth Birkby
with the assistance of Mark Leibowitz
founder of USK NYC.

Web site design by Cecilia Evasco
for Virtual NYC Urban Sketchers
under the auspices of USk NYC.
Scheduled for June 18, 2022

Upcoming: Cuba
About Sequential Arts & Comics imageAbout Sequential Arts & Comics image